Factors affecting the efficiency of petrol pump manufacturers

Manufacturers in processing production is more concerned about the efficiency of the equipment, diesel engine fire pump is the same. In fact, the efficiency of the equipment is mainly affected by three factors, namely mechanical efficiency, volumetric efficiency and hydraulic efficiency. Details are as follows:petrol pump manufacturers

Hydraulic loss includes hydraulic friction and local resistance loss. Diesel engine fire pump running for a certain time, inevitably cause the impeller and guide vane surface wear, hydraulic loss increases, hydraulic efficiency decreases. Due to the filter cylinder blockage, petrol pump manufacturers pipeline air intake and other reasons, the equipment is evacuated and idled. Before starting the equipment, the staff do not pay attention to the preparatory work before starting, and the basic operation procedures such as heating, disk and perfusion are not implemented in standard, which often causes cavitation phenomenon, large noise, large vibration and low efficiency.


Pump running condition is lower than rated condition, resulting in high energy consumption. Efficiency itself is the fundamental influence. Under the same working conditions of diesel engine fire pump, the efficiency may be more than 15% difference. The influence of mechanical efficiency is mainly related to design and manufacturing quality. After the selection, late management has less impact. The efficiency of the motor remains basically unchanged in operation. Therefore, petrol pump manufacturers it is important to choose a motor with high efficiency.

Diesel engine fire pump volume loss is also known as leakage loss, including impeller seal ring, interstage, axial force balance mechanism three kinds of leakage loss. Volumetric efficiency is not only related to design and manufacturing, but also related to late management. After continuous operation of the equipment for a certain period of time, due to friction between components, clearance increases and volume efficiency decreases.

Post time: Dec-08-2022