Common 2.5 Inches Fire Pump control

In order to make the 2.5-inch Fire Pump more efficient and avoid overuse of one of the components, the manufacturer has taken all aspects of the Pump into account when designing the Pump. What are the common control methods?

1. Control voltage.

The operating power voltage of the 2.5 Inches Fire Pump button is connected to the AC 220V.

2. Start control.

Indoor fire hydrant box, fire control room, water pump room fire pump near these three places can control the start.

3. Fault control.

The fire control room can display the fault state of fire equipment, and the fire control can display the simple fault signals such as power failure, such as the overload fault signal of fire pump, which is often avoided in the actual construction.

4. Start the pump with manual alarm button instead of fire hydrant button.

The 2.5-inch Fire Pump has a wide range of control options depending on your environment. The flexible control allows you to feel better about your Pump and reduce unnecessary failures.

Fire pump is now in our life is also everywhere, there are two main ways to start the fire hydrant pump, today I will introduce you.

1. Start mode, which is mainly in the bus system control mode, when the fire hydrant action button works, it can pass some signals into the console according to the linkage interface module, and finally touch it.

2. Directly output the switch contact of the hydrant action button to the starter of the hydrant pump. These two start-up modes can be used in the actual design, there is a method before wiring, but in the bus system, the hydrant linkage module for address coding programming, to achieve the purpose of monitoring a large number of hydrants. After simple and reliable start-up, the fire hydrant action signal still needs to be sent back to the control room.

The designer can choose according to the actual project scale in the specific design. The complex project scale and building form can be started in a way of starting first, large or small. After the fuel injection pump starts, the nozzle of the pipeline is reserved for crushing, the high temperature of the glass ball causes the pipe network flow, and the linkage alarm valve and pressure switch

Post time: Jun-06-2022